BI, DW, Analytics and Big Data isn’t it all about the Reporting Business?… An Overview from Harvard Graphics to Big Data & Dataviz Tools

I believe that good part of BI, DW, Analytics & Big Data senior consultants nowadays have never heard about HG, or even know what theseRead More...

The importance of the Agnostic/Non-branded Informational Architecture – Part I

Since I started my IT career in the early 90’s, up to the mid-2000’s, there is one thing that all my mentors, somehow, always askedRead More...

The importance of the Agnostic/Non-branded Informational Architecture – Part II

What should be the main drivers of an agnostic/non-branded Informational Architecture? More than list and detail the drivers, my focus is to open discussion uponRead More...

BI & Analytics Maturity Models, why it is important to find yourself?

Grow, improve, evolve, boost, enhance, these are the words you will always find in the visons, missions and objectives of companies, areas and departments. So,Read More...

The Enterprise Analytical Environment, a flexible, time-to-market driven and governed approach

Once a corporation has an appropriate BI & Analytics maturity level defined and the drivers to guide her to an Agnostic Informational Architecture, it isRead More...